Capsules of Universe
Star within a Star (Thorne-Zytkow Object) : TZO were a theoretical star proposed by astrophysicist Kip Thorne and Anna Zytkow till a recent discovery proved that they actually exists. It may sound strange but these single star consists of a neutron star in its core while a gaseous red giant or super giant star surround it. They aren’t visually distinguishable in the form of a neutron star(like the illustration shown) revolving inside a giant star instead they are observed by their distinct chemical signatures produced by the unique activity in their stellar core. TZO’s are supposed to be formed when a system of two binary stars interact, a red super giant and a neutron star which itself formed during the supernova explosion. The mass loss of neutron star before supernova event make them vulnerable to the massive gas giants, which engulfs them. Almost after a few hundred years, when the neutron star finally enters the super giants, their core start colliding and if their combined...