Capsules of Universe
Star within a Star (Thorne-Zytkow Object) : TZO were a theoretical star proposed by astrophysicist Kip Thorne and Anna Zytkow till a recent discovery proved that they actually exists.
It may sound strange but these single star consists of a neutron star in its core while a gaseous red giant or super giant star surround it. They aren’t visually distinguishable in the form of a neutron star(like the illustration shown) revolving inside a giant star instead they are observed by their distinct chemical signatures produced by the unique activity in their stellar core. TZO’s are supposed to be formed when a system of two binary stars interact, a red super giant and a neutron star which itself formed during the supernova explosion. The mass loss of neutron star before supernova event make them vulnerable to the massive gas giants, which engulfs them. Almost after a few hundred years, when the neutron star finally enters the super giants, their core start colliding and if their combined mass is greater than Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit then they merge and forges a single black hole otherwise they fuse to form a jumbo neutron star. The following image shows how this star within a star thing starts. The blue light radiating object is the neutron star and the other not to be mentioned its massive hunter red super-giant star.
2. White Holes : White holes are exactly theoretical black holes in reverse.
White holes are just like black holes except the fact that black holes sucks particles and light from outer universe and while white holes extracts those particles and light into space. The concept of white holes are hypothesised and still not verified yet! The thing is, if a supermassive black hole suck all of the matter from the universe then there should be also a white hole which ejects those material into universe. The very famous Big Bang which kickstarted the expansion of our universe and lead to creation of all different type of mysterious objects in universe is also thought to be a white hole. A white hole is a particular kind of singularity: a naked singularity(singularity which doesn’t have a event horizon). Singularities like black holes cannot be directly observed, because the escape velocity is far greater than the speed of light, so nothing can escape from it so the white holes either can’t be directly observed. The singularity of black holes are “protected” by an event horizon, the surface that separates us from the black hole. In the case of white hole, there isn’t even a event horizon . The white hole is only a unproved hypothesized reverse of black holes which can balance the effect of black holes. Maybe scientist and researchers hasn’t proved their existence because of the fact nothing can escape from white hole just like the black holes and they can only observe their effect. The discovery of white holes will supposedly lead to the way of time travel.
3. Space Booze : In the space, there are giant clouds of alcohol, whose size exceeds the diameter of our solar system.
The size comparision of the booze cloud to our solar system is such that they are almost 1000x times larger than our solar system. It has enough beer to let every human on earth drink 300,000 pint of beer for almost a billion years. Sadly, they are quadrillion miles away. Ex :- constellation Aquila, Sagittarius B2…
4. Diamond Planets : If there are anything in space whom women are going love then it will definitely Diamond planets.
Space researches has confirmed that, there are some planets in our universe made of pure diamonds. They are also called carbon planet because of the fact their surface is covered with diamond and carbon both of which are allotropes of carbon, instead of rock and water. These planets have superhigh speed of rotation or orbit. It takes 17 hours for them to complete one full revolution of their parent star.
5. Vampire Black holes : The biggest star of the universe just got too close to a black hole, so as per expectation the black hole got angry.
It started to swallow the star slowly and plans for killing it, while taking his time. Slow and painful death. It is early established that every galaxy has one supermassive black hole in its center, but the phenomenon of a black hole consuming a star is something unpredicted and villainous.
6. Burning Ice Planet : There is an exoplanet with a mass and radius close to that of Neptune which is entirely covered in the layer of burning ice.
It has been hypothesized that the state of water on this planet is Ice VII, a cubic, crystalline form or ice that has been manufactured in laboratories. So, just as carbon turns to diamond when exposed to massive amounts of temperature and pressure, the water on this planet turns to “burning ice”, consequently becoming one of the most fascinating heavenly bodies humanity is cognizant of. Ex : - Gliese 581b
7. Dark Matter and Dark Energy : The universe is composed of 70% dark matter and dark energy.
It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments. The standard model of cosmology indicates that the total mass–energy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy. The candy in the jar show the percentage of dark matter and dark energy to usual matter.
8. A year on Venus is shorter than its day : Venus is the slowest rotating planet in our Solar System, so slow it takes longer to fully rotate than it does to complete its orbit.
This means Venus has days that last longer than its years. It’s also home to one of the most inhospitable environments imaginable, with constant electronic storms, high CO2 readings, and it’s shrouded by clouds of sulfuric acid.
9. Neutron Stars : Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stars known to exist.
The fastest neutron stars can spin as fast as 43,000 times per minutes with a linear speed of up to 0.23c (speed of light). Neutron stars pack their mass inside a 20-kilometer (12.4 miles) diameter. They are so dense that a single teaspoon would weigh a billion tons. The gravity of a usual neutron star is 2 billion times stronger than the gravity of Earth.
10. The Brightest Star : The brightest star in the whole observed universe is R136a1.
It’s 315 times more massive than our sun ☉ —nearly twice as massive as what astronomers thought was possible. It’s the most massive star known at this time. It’s only 315 times the sun’s mass, but has a radius more than 30 R☉. Its surface temperature is over 100,000 degrees F. It’s the most luminous star known at more than 7 million times the luminosity of our sun.
11. Gamma Ray Bursts : Imagine if you could gather the energy from every star within a hundred million light years. From thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars.
Now make a gun from this type of power. This is the devastating GRBs. They are the brightest electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe. The GRB contains that type of energy which could destroy our whole human population. A single gamma ray photon, is more energetic than a million visible photons combined. Their high energy makes gamma rays a form of ionizing radiation which means they could break atomic bonds which holds matter together.
12. Quasar : Quasars are by far the brightest objects in the universe. They are distant objects powered by black holes a billion times as massive as our sun. The quasar comes out from the heart of a supermassive black hole which is surrounded by accretion disc and resides in the center of the galaxy.
They are powered by the accretion disc of the black holes which contains dust and gas from nearby sources. The largest known quasar is estimated to consume matter equivalent to 600 Earth per minute. Quasars inhabit the very center of active, young galaxies, and are among the most luminous, powerful, and energetic objects known in the universe, emitting up to a thousand times the energy output of the Milky Way, which contains 200–400 billion stars. The brightest quasar in the sky is 3C 273 in the constellation of Virginia.
I have no idea what 90% of people don’t know about the universe. But I can offer a few amazing facts about the universe—and more specifically black holes—which likely even fewer people will know.
Conditions of the early universe are such that black holes can collapse immediately as ‘direct collapse’ black holes
Very massive black holes are found at great distances, meaning that black holes have accumulated astounding amounts of mass very early in the universe. As it takes a while for massive stars to collapse into black holes, the presence of early, massive black holes indicates that conditions of the early universe were such that black holes could have formed and gained mass much quicker.Half a billion years after the Big Bang the first black holes managed to collapse directly from primordial gas. Although black holes can’t be observed directly, the existence of these direct collapse black holes are deduced from the presence of quasars, which are sources of electromagnetic radiation emanating from the poles of very large, actively feeding black holes. The conventional accretion disc method by which black holes grow is much too slow of a process, and so the so-called quasar seed problem is presumably solved by the introduction of direct collapse black holes.
An image based on a supercomputer simulation of the cosmological environment where primordial gas undergoes the direct collapse to a black hole. Credit: Aaron Smith/TACC/UT-Austin.
Supermassive black holes regulate star formation in galaxies
There is a correlation between the mass of a supermassive black hole and their host galaxies; the mass of a supermassive black hole appears to have a constant relation to the mass of the central bulge of a galaxy. This indicates that the evolution and structure of a galaxy is closely tied to the scale of its black hole, and it further indicates that black holes play an essential part in galaxy formation.All supermassive black holes have been found to regulate star growth in their host galaxies; a process by which the largest elliptical galaxies continue making stars long after their peak years of star birth.
Megan Donahue of Michigan State University explains:
Think of the gas surrounding a galaxy as an atmosphere. That atmosphere can contain material in different states, just like our own atmosphere has gas, clouds, and rain. What we are seeing is a process like a thunderstorm. As the jets propel gas outward from the center of the galaxy, some of that gas cools and precipitates into cold clumps that fall back toward the galaxy's center like raindrops.
Grant Tremblay of Yale University further explains:
The 'raindrops' eventually cool enough to become star-forming clouds of cold molecular gas, and the far-ultraviolet capabilities of Hubble allowed us to directly observe these 'showers' of star formation. We know that these showers are linked to the jets because they're found in filaments and tendrils that wrap around the jets or hug the edges of giant bubbles that the jets have inflated. And they end up making a swirling 'puddle' of star-forming gas around the central black hole.
This sample of galaxies, as seen by Hubble, shows chains of star formation in ultraviolet light. This star formation in each galaxy is a product of the action of the jets from a central black hole that controls infalling gas from the galaxy’s halo. Image credit: NASA, ESA, G. Tremblay (Yale University), and R. Mittal (Rochester Institute of Technology, and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics).
Galaxies are embedded in halos of gas. An outflow of material from the black hole fuels these halos, as the material cools down at the edge of the galaxy. As the material cools down, there is an inflow of material back to the galaxy, which refuels the stars. As such, supermassive black holes directly regulate the rate of star production in galaxies.
Black holes are very cold
This may surprise people, but most black holes are very cold. The environment around a black hole can get very hot as the accretion disc (assuming the black hole is actively consuming) is superheated as it spirals inwards. But the temperature of the black hole itself is even colder than space itself. The temperature of a black hole is inversely proportional to its mass and the size of the Schwarzschild radius. A solar mass black hole will have a temperature of 6 × 10−8−8 K.
Black holes will very slowly radiate away its energy due to Hawking radiation. A 1 solar mass black hole will take 2,099496 × 106767years to evaporate, which is about 105757 times the current age of the universe. Nevertheless, black holes do radiate away their mass, and the smaller they get, the hotter they become. In the last 14 billion years of the black hole’s life it will emit high energy gamma-rays since its temperature will exceed 101111 K.
In the very last second of the black hole (which corresponds to a mass of one blue whale), 5 million megatons of TNT worth of energy will be emitted.
Black hole ‘engines’ cloak the black holes; not the accretion discs
A recent study indicates that black holes are like engines cloaking themselves in exhaust fumes. When the rate of infalling matter of the accretion disc is greater than the possible consumption rate of the black hole, there will be a build-up of material, which gets expelled at the poles of the black hole in powerful jets of x-rays as well as visible light and radio waves. When the jets are powerful enough, gamma-rays can even be seen.
But according to the study the accretion disc entails matter spiraling inwards, as well as an outflow of matter. On the inside of the accretion disc cooler clouds of carbon monoxide gas can be found, which becomes ionized by the superheated accretion disk and the clouds start to interact with the black hole's powerful magnetic field. Due to these interactions the gas reaches escape velocity and is thus flung out of the system at very high speeds. It’s this outflow of energy that actually cloaks the black hole, rather than the inflow of the accretion disc.
The directions of rotation of black holes in certain regions of the universe align
Using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), astronomers have revealed that supermassive black holes in a region of the distant universe are all spinning out radio jets in the same direction, indicating that primordial mass fluctuations in the early universe are the cause of this alignment. This would have to be the cause, as there is no other way by which black holes are exchanging information and thus align. As such, the direction of rotating is thought to be a result of the early formation of the galaxies, which in turn implies that there is a coherent spin in the structure of this region of space, influenced by the primordial mass fluctuations that seeded the formation of large-scale structures in the universe.
Some have even proposed the three-torus model of the universe as a cause for this alignment of black hole radio jets, though this is very speculative.
Much of the water in the last glass of water that you drank was produced as a by product when some remote star was forming, probably in some remote corner of the universe. By the time you were born, probably that star would have died down. [Water]When you turn on the radio and listen to the noise, you're listening to the radiation emitted more than 13 billion years ago in the Bing Bang that started it all.Some of the Iron in your blood (and in many other things around you) probably made a star (probably millions of times bigger than our Sun) blow itself up. [Supernova nucleosynthesis]If the whole history of the universe from the point of big bang until now was represented in 1 day, and if that day began exactly 24 hours ago from now, earth would have formed less than about 7 hours ago; dinosaurs started running about on earth about 20 minutes back; and our earliest ancestors started walking the earth about 9.6 milliseconds ago! [If the universe began 24 hours ago]According to that clock which clocked in 24 hours right now, within the next 20 minutes, all life on earth would almost certainly die out. Within seconds after that 20 minutes, our sun will explode.And finally, we know so little about this universe and understand so little, that someone reading these answers about a few hundred years into the future would be thinking about us the same way we think about Aristotle and Plato - men and women who were right about some things, wrong about many, and knew that it would be so all along.
Source – Internet.
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