Reservation : Boon or Curse ?
My foremost problem with the reservation policy in India, (as with a lot of other policies) is that “it has a lot of loopholes“.
These escape clauses are permitting such a significant number of understudies to have an SC/ST endorsement however not requiring any booking to get seats they didn't merit. Truly, I am aware of individuals who have gotten seats in the best organizations dependent on their SC/ST authentications, and going on "outside outings" with their folks once every year.
I am not against reservation on the off chance that it helps somebody who needs it. The media features just those accounts "Child/Daughter of shoemaker/Chaiwala/Laborer and so forth qualifies JEE/NEET/CAT", however totally overlooks the individuals who are exploiting the provisos. Along these lines, the media fills in as an administration manikin, introducing an uneven contention.
Something else I have an issue with is the Reservation overages. Like an individual finds an administration line of work utilizing a booking. Bravo. Be that as it may, at that point his children and girls again get into IITs, IIMs, and in this way land positions (and now even advancements) in light of their station, when they are not at all 'abused' or requiring help.
It can counter this utilizing the 'rich layer' contention, barring those from getting any assistance who needn't bother with any assistance.
2) My second issue with this is reservations ought not to be founded on rank yet on monetary status. Reservation dependent on standing not exclusively is pointless over the long haul, yet it makes ill will against those getting reservations. It is only a strategy by government officials to "Gap and Rule" and individuals get bulldozed.
Elevating of poor people ought to be regardless of stations. What the administration does right presently is it announces a monetarily in the reverse gathering of individuals as a retrogressive station and expands its assistance towards them. This isn't right, as this makes more positions and rank obstructions. Our point ought to be to break up rank hindrances, not make late ones. Until it counters all these, the station circumstance in India will stay for what it's worth., thus will the booking circumstance.
People are CURSED to BOON !!!
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