Marks Matters ?
Whenever, we have these discussions that marks do not matter, the examples usually quoted are the ones where people have had great success despite not getting good/great marks. The idea is simple - our (lack of) marks today need not hamper our happiness in the years to come. I think, there is another aspect of this, which is equally true, and important. This is about the cases, where people who may have scored high marks, and find it equally useless, in the long term scheme of things. In my 10th Boards, I was the school topper, with a score which was a new record for our school(school waalon ne bataya tha), and was among the top few in the State. I was a kid back then, and it felt like big deal (also, considering that it happens to be the only instance in my schooling, when I topped in my class) Honestly, genuinely, that absolutely means nothing now. Like, for everyone else, with all sorts of performances. Like many other kids who appeared for those exams, I had memorized my entire ...