Cool fact about Universe.
The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.-Carl Sagan
Where did the Big Bang happen?
The obvious answer, centre of the universe. But that is wrong. Every galaxy is moving away from ours at the same rate. This may suggest our galaxy was at the centre. But this phenomena is true everywhere. It is because the Big Bang just didn’t explode out from the centre, it happened everywhere at once, and that includes right where you’re sitting.
Yes, what you were taught at school, was wrong. Two objects, under their mutual attraction, orbit around their centre of gravity or the barycentre. For other planets, their mass is small. So they orbit around a point close to the Sun’s centre.
On the other hand, Jupiter is huge. Huge. The barycentre lies just above the Sun’s surface and both of them orbit around it.
The most powerful thing in the universe? A star? A supernova? Or a black hole? None can beat a blazar.
A blazar is a supermassive black hole inside a radioactive accretion disk inside an active galaxy. It shoots jets of radiation from either end at close to the speed of light, right in our direction.
The largest structure ever found in space: the BOSS Great Wall. It is made up of at least 830 galaxies and measures one billion light years wide.
A star that contains another star, Thorne-Żytkow object.
We don’t yet know how a TZO is formed but the prevailing theory follows that a a tiny neutron star is swallowed by a red super giant star. The tiny star spirals into the center of the larger star and makes a home in its core.
The centre of the Milky Way is home to a massive fountain that spews antimatter.
Dragonfly 44 : Milky Way’s dark twin.
This strange galaxy is just about the same size as the Milky way and is made up of 99.99% dark matter.
Why are Black holes called “Singularities”?
A mathematical singularity refers to the point where there is infinite value of something. Black hole is the point where gravity and density tend to infinity.
At the event horizon of a black hole, space and time fundamentally change.
Black holes are massively dense objects that have unbelievably strong gravitational pulls because of that density. The pull is so strong that not even light is fast enough to escape it. This point of no return is called the event horizon.
The Dwarf Planet Ceres has a ton of water.
Ceres is the largest object located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and it has water ice under its crust, which makes about 30 percent of its mass.
The biggest water reservoir in the universe floats around a black hole.
An enormous reservoir of water vapour, containing 140 trillion times the amount of water in Earth’s oceans, is circling a quasar powered by a black hole.
Gamma ray bursts
These are the deadliest things in the universe. They explode with the energy of hundred trillion nuclear weapons per second, for longer than the universe has existed.
Thank you for reading !
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