Individual who love watching Game of Thrones often use the phrase “ Valar Morghulis “ which is a Braavosi greeting said in the High Valyrian language truly means “All men must die “. They want to say Valar Dohaeris which means “All men must serve “. “Death is ineluctable, no men are immortal.” “We are all going to die eventually so we might as well do something with our lives and time, not for ourselves but for humankind and for the good of other men.” It sounds cool but also possesses a deep philosophical context.
You are physically much stronger than me. Taller than me, heavier than me, broader than me. Your one hard blow can knock me out completely. You are tough; you are invincible. You are emotionally balanced and you have figured out most of the things. You Wise! I am fragile, dependent and I am blessed with a delusional curse - illusion of being beautiful. I struggle with lids; I cry easily. I speak more than I think. My heart breaks easily. Me Vulnerable! You ooze out testosterone and you are acing in almost everything. You can lift heavy things really very easily, you can fix machines. You can hit someone really hard (Oh! I know you do.) You Powerful! And I was really impressed. I felt safe when you were around. And you were impressed too. You felt efficient having me around you. To me, you were my provider. To you, I was just an easy prey and you were my protective predator. You protected me; you played with me; you wounded me. I was your property. I watched each move with awe and wonde...
An improvement to propel women's tendencies to the burden of men. Regardless of cases by some moderate (and misled) ladies' activists in spite of what may be normal, lady's privileges isn't an improvement for the headway of individuals. If it was, it would be called humanism. Ladies' activists are not stressed, for example, about the way that four overlays the number of men end everything as women or that fewer and fewer youngsters go to class or graduate from optional school. Ladies' activists demand that we treat individuals as correctly proportionate aside from in the event that it suits women to isolate between the sexes. For example, a typical ladies' lobbyist will see no ambiguity in fighting on one hand that women need more protection from forceful conduct at home, ambush, and improper conduct yet that women are also equivalent to men at the turn of events and doing combating bad behavior, blazes, and wars. Question: what number of ladies' ac...
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