
Showing posts from 2017

Capsules of Universe

Star within a Star (Thorne-Zytkow Object) :  TZO were a theoretical star proposed by astrophysicist Kip Thorne and Anna Zytkow till a recent discovery proved that they actually exists. It may sound strange but these single star consists of a neutron star in its core while a gaseous red giant or super giant star surround it. They aren’t visually distinguishable in the form of a neutron star(like the illustration shown) revolving inside a giant star instead they are observed by their distinct chemical signatures produced by the unique activity in their stellar core. TZO’s are supposed to be formed when a system of two binary stars interact, a red super giant and a neutron star which itself formed during the supernova explosion. The mass loss of neutron star before supernova event make them vulnerable to the massive gas giants, which engulfs them. Almost after a few hundred years, when the neutron star finally enters the super giants, their core start colliding and if their combined...

Marks Matters ?

Whenever, we have these discussions that marks do not matter, the examples usually quoted are the ones where people have had great success despite not getting good/great marks. The idea is simple - our (lack of) marks today need not hamper our happiness in the years to come. I think, there is another aspect of this, which is equally true, and important. This is about the cases, where people who may have scored high marks, and find it equally useless, in the long term scheme of things. In my 10th Boards, I was the school topper, with a score which was a new record for our school(school waalon ne bataya tha), and was among the top few in the State. I was a kid back then, and it felt like big deal (also, considering that it happens to be the only instance in my schooling, when I topped in my class) Honestly, genuinely, that absolutely means nothing now. Like, for everyone else, with all sorts of performances. Like many other kids who appeared for those exams, I had memorized my entire ...

Cool fact about Universe.

The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent. -Carl Sagan Where did the Big Bang happen? The obvious answer, centre of the universe. But that is wrong. Every galaxy is moving away from ours at the same rate. This may suggest our galaxy was at the centre. But this phenomena is true everywhere. It is because the Big Bang just didn’t explode out from the centre, it happened everywhere at once, and that includes right where you’re sitting. JUPITER DOES NOT ORBIT THE SUN Yes, what you were taught at school, was wrong. Two objects, under their mutual attraction, orbit around their centre of gravity or the barycentre. For other planets, their mass is small. So they orbit around a point close to the Sun’s centre. On the other hand, Jupiter is huge.  Huge.  The barycentre lies just above the Sun’s surface and both of them orbit around it. The most powerful thing in the universe?  A star? A supernova? Or a black hole? None can beat a  b...

सफलता का अर्थ।

I am waiting for a Day when I want my Images I don't go to the phone gallery where as I go to Google Images to get my pictures. This is how Success should be defined.😃 मैं उस दिन का इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ जब मुझे अपनी तस्वीर चाहिए होगी तब मै अपने phone gallery में न जाकर google images में जाऊ। यही सफलता का अर्थ है।😃

Time Flies..

किसी चाय की दुकान पर विविध भारती की जगह रेडियो मिर्ची बजते सुनते है तो मालूम होता है कि पीछे क्या छूट गया है। वक़्त कितना आगे बढ़ा, कितना बदला, पता नही। पर जब भी ट्रेन किसी मोहल्...

Carpe diem!

Bay the Drab.😜 He says "Seize the Toblerone", forget about siezing the day. Carpe diem, MMMmmm... Toblerone.💖

Modern feminism!

An improvement to propel women's tendencies to the burden of men.  Regardless of cases by some moderate (and misled) ladies' activists in spite of what may be normal, lady's privileges isn't an improvement for the headway of individuals. If it was, it would be called humanism.  Ladies' activists are not stressed, for example, about the way that four overlays the number of men end everything as women or that fewer and fewer youngsters go to class or graduate from optional school.  Ladies' activists demand that we treat individuals as correctly proportionate aside from in the event that it suits women to isolate between the sexes.  For example, a typical ladies' lobbyist will see no ambiguity in fighting on one hand that women need more protection from forceful conduct at home, ambush, and improper conduct yet that women are also equivalent to men at the turn of events and doing combating bad behavior, blazes, and wars.  Question: what number of ladies' ac...


"Don't abuse in front of women" "Why?" "Because they will find out that how we use a misogynistic phrase to hurt a patriarch's male ego who thinks that he's the savior of all womankind. Unko odd lgega." "Hmm."😌


Comparing and contrasting often leads to jealousy and envy that takes our happiness and ultimately have a drastic effect on our success.😊

Achievement of mankind.

The greatest achievement of humanity's is convincing people the existence of GOD.😊

Who cares?

Over 50k people included several Bollywood celebrities attended the Justin Bieber's Concert in Mumbai. Each ticket costed 20k on an average , totalling 100 crore. These are the same celebrities who advised us not to waste on POOJA like ₹15 on milk for doing Rudra Abhisek to Lord Shiva. Is this not the arrogant hypocrisy ?😃 I'm not a fan of Justbin Bieber but he has talent of dancing and personally I liked some of his song but who the hell I'm gonna waste gargantuan amount of money to watch lip-sync concert. He achieved everything because of his talents only.😊

Live life to the fullest.

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience. It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts. If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun. Enjoy the negligible things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the gigantic things. Cherish your yesterday’s, dream your tomorrows and live your today’s. Don’t wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life! 

Late night stuff

It is past midnight, and the wind is a little heavier than usual. I am good at keeping people off my mind throughout the daytime. I don’t think about anybody during the day. It is usually these wee hours of the night which makes me crawl back to the most forgotten people and memories. Anyone and anything find their way to me in this pro-solitude atmosphere. As the night passes on, the paradox of being more alone in such a crowded city makes me feel uncomfortable. My brain calculates the number of genuine friends I have. I know it is stupid, but I don’t know, it is the kind of involuntary thing that just kicks in whenever I think about my compact room in this colossal city. I am not this vulnerable when the sun is up. On any normal day, I would have turned on the music and would have transcended in an alternate reality, which would have eventually glided me in the world of dreams. But since I lost my phone today, I am not having that option, and hence, I have to hear this constant chaos...

Vulnerable dose

You are physically much stronger than me. Taller than me, heavier than me, broader than me. Your one hard blow can knock me out completely. You are tough; you are invincible. You are emotionally balanced and you have figured out most of the things. You Wise! I am fragile, dependent and I am blessed with a delusional curse - illusion of being beautiful. I struggle with lids; I cry easily. I speak more than I think. My heart breaks easily. Me Vulnerable! You ooze out testosterone and you are acing in almost everything. You can lift heavy things really very easily, you can fix machines. You can hit someone really hard (Oh! I know you do.) You Powerful! And I was really impressed. I felt safe when you were around. And you were impressed too. You felt efficient having me around you. To me, you were my provider. To you, I was just an easy prey and you were my protective predator. You protected me; you played with me; you wounded me. I was your property. I watched each move with awe and wonde...

Worthy Nature.

Do we really like having conversations? From we, I don’t just mean introverts. In general, do we like to converse with other people? I don’t think so. Sure, we like to talk with other people, but only as long as the other person says what we wish to hear or like to hear. But that’s not really a conversation, is it? That’s more like an echo of who we are, what we think, and how we think it. Yes, we do accept the difference of opinions but not if it exceeds the opinions that we favor. Our whole idea of us liking another person is based on how much that person is like what we want them to be. And if they are not, we drift away from them unless there’s something else, almost like bondage, which prevents us from drifting away. #MidnightRambling

Stupid Logics of Some Indians

In defense of Triple Talaq, Kapil Sibal said that since it exists for 1400 years so, it can not be questioned based on “constitutional morality”. What kind of dumbass would give this argument! This argument also implies that all the age-old archaic practices like sati should still be legal and the barbaric Sharia laws should supersede the Indian Penal Code. He and Muslim Personal Law Board deserve to get taste slapped out of their mouth.